Case Study

Kenwick Link Rail Freight Facility

Public Transport Authority - Construction Surveillance Officer

Client Requirements

As part of the new METRONET the Public Transport Authority (PTA) want to relocate an existing flash-butt welding facility from Bellevue to a new facility in Kenwick.

Project Overview

Allied Projects has provided the Contract Surveillance services to PTA for this project. The project scope includes:

  • Upgrade and relocate the flash-butt welding equipment to Kenwick
  • Construct move services to the underside of the pavement including drainage and earthworks
  • Construct two culverts over Yule Brook for surface water and subsoil drainage

Allied Project’s Role

Owing to unforeseen and changed site conditions Allied Projects were asked to meet additional new scope, which now also includes installation of a drainage layer over the entire site to prevent water seepage into the new facilities.

In the role as Construction Surveillance Officer, Allied Projects have been tasked with checking all aspects of the construction of the project including:

  • Completing daily diaries
  • Managing Inspections as part of ITP process
  • Signing off completed work
  • Monitoring the day-to-day activities
  • Liaising with the designer to resolve design issues on site
  • Progress reporting of work completed
  • Reviewing costing variations
  • Checking and reviewing monthly progress claims